Ask Oak Park
Have you heard a rumor in the Village or just curious about something going on or how to get something done in Oak Park? We're here to help! Post your questions and Village staff will provide accurate and up-to-date information and answers.
Have you heard a rumor in the Village or just curious about something going on or how to get something done in Oak Park? We're here to help! Post your questions and Village staff will provide accurate and up-to-date information and answers.
Q&A Corner
Ask your question here and an appropriate Village staff member will provide a response in a timely manner.
Share Hello, I am writing again about something that has not been answered. What is the village plan for the growing number of panhandlers throughout village. From the highway exit ramp to all up and down the business district there are people with signs or asking for money. So I will ask again what is the plan to address this. on Facebook Share Hello, I am writing again about something that has not been answered. What is the village plan for the growing number of panhandlers throughout village. From the highway exit ramp to all up and down the business district there are people with signs or asking for money. So I will ask again what is the plan to address this. on Twitter Share Hello, I am writing again about something that has not been answered. What is the village plan for the growing number of panhandlers throughout village. From the highway exit ramp to all up and down the business district there are people with signs or asking for money. So I will ask again what is the plan to address this. on Linkedin Email Hello, I am writing again about something that has not been answered. What is the village plan for the growing number of panhandlers throughout village. From the highway exit ramp to all up and down the business district there are people with signs or asking for money. So I will ask again what is the plan to address this. link
Hello, I am writing again about something that has not been answered. What is the village plan for the growing number of panhandlers throughout village. From the highway exit ramp to all up and down the business district there are people with signs or asking for money. So I will ask again what is the plan to address this.
HarveyAve asked about 1 year agoThanks for contacting us. The Village and Oak Park Police Department are aware of an increasing number of individuals who are congregating regularly in and around business districts and at busy intersections. Police Officers are routinely patrolling and monitoring these areas, while interacting with the individuals and intervening when necessary. Businesses may consider posting No Soliciting signs at their establishments and Police Officers will continue to enforce that. Community members can always call the Police Department’s non-emergency number at 708.386.3800 to discuss any specific concerns. In an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Share Hello, Two more follow-up on the topic of the asylum seekers in Oak Park. 1.We have been approached several times by members of that community selling candy outside of business, at intersections and on the street. Is this an activity sanctioned by the village? 2. Are the School-aged members of that community being enrolled in the schools here? If so are extra funds staff being provided to the schools to deal with the added language/trauma needs of these students? on Facebook Share Hello, Two more follow-up on the topic of the asylum seekers in Oak Park. 1.We have been approached several times by members of that community selling candy outside of business, at intersections and on the street. Is this an activity sanctioned by the village? 2. Are the School-aged members of that community being enrolled in the schools here? If so are extra funds staff being provided to the schools to deal with the added language/trauma needs of these students? on Twitter Share Hello, Two more follow-up on the topic of the asylum seekers in Oak Park. 1.We have been approached several times by members of that community selling candy outside of business, at intersections and on the street. Is this an activity sanctioned by the village? 2. Are the School-aged members of that community being enrolled in the schools here? If so are extra funds staff being provided to the schools to deal with the added language/trauma needs of these students? on Linkedin Email Hello, Two more follow-up on the topic of the asylum seekers in Oak Park. 1.We have been approached several times by members of that community selling candy outside of business, at intersections and on the street. Is this an activity sanctioned by the village? 2. Are the School-aged members of that community being enrolled in the schools here? If so are extra funds staff being provided to the schools to deal with the added language/trauma needs of these students? link
Hello, Two more follow-up on the topic of the asylum seekers in Oak Park. 1.We have been approached several times by members of that community selling candy outside of business, at intersections and on the street. Is this an activity sanctioned by the village? 2. Are the School-aged members of that community being enrolled in the schools here? If so are extra funds staff being provided to the schools to deal with the added language/trauma needs of these students?
HarveyAve asked over 1 year agoThanks for your follow-up questions. The selling of candy in the manner you indicated requires a solicitor permit as spelled out in Village code 18-1-2. We shared your message with the Village’s Business Services Division so staff can investigate this issue. Regarding your second question, there are school-aged asylum seekers enrolled in District 97 and District 200 schools. Schools have not requested additional funding from the Village and any questions about specific support being provided are best directed to those bodies.
Share Hello, Following up on the question regarding the $500,000 in ARPA funds. What portion of that amount was allocated to upgrades at Anderson Park. You described that initial allocation as going to "early re-construction". Does that mean there is another date for work to be done at that park? Were immediate neighbors to the park informed or surveyed prior to the reallocation? Finally is there information on what the long-term goals are related to asylum-seekers in the community? Is this an ongoing expense? Were these individuals in originally in Chicago where State aitance money has been allocated? I'm just trying to better understand the situation. thank you for your prompt responses. on Facebook Share Hello, Following up on the question regarding the $500,000 in ARPA funds. What portion of that amount was allocated to upgrades at Anderson Park. You described that initial allocation as going to "early re-construction". Does that mean there is another date for work to be done at that park? Were immediate neighbors to the park informed or surveyed prior to the reallocation? Finally is there information on what the long-term goals are related to asylum-seekers in the community? Is this an ongoing expense? Were these individuals in originally in Chicago where State aitance money has been allocated? I'm just trying to better understand the situation. thank you for your prompt responses. on Twitter Share Hello, Following up on the question regarding the $500,000 in ARPA funds. What portion of that amount was allocated to upgrades at Anderson Park. You described that initial allocation as going to "early re-construction". Does that mean there is another date for work to be done at that park? Were immediate neighbors to the park informed or surveyed prior to the reallocation? Finally is there information on what the long-term goals are related to asylum-seekers in the community? Is this an ongoing expense? Were these individuals in originally in Chicago where State aitance money has been allocated? I'm just trying to better understand the situation. thank you for your prompt responses. on Linkedin Email Hello, Following up on the question regarding the $500,000 in ARPA funds. What portion of that amount was allocated to upgrades at Anderson Park. You described that initial allocation as going to "early re-construction". Does that mean there is another date for work to be done at that park? Were immediate neighbors to the park informed or surveyed prior to the reallocation? Finally is there information on what the long-term goals are related to asylum-seekers in the community? Is this an ongoing expense? Were these individuals in originally in Chicago where State aitance money has been allocated? I'm just trying to better understand the situation. thank you for your prompt responses. link
Hello, Following up on the question regarding the $500,000 in ARPA funds. What portion of that amount was allocated to upgrades at Anderson Park. You described that initial allocation as going to "early re-construction". Does that mean there is another date for work to be done at that park? Were immediate neighbors to the park informed or surveyed prior to the reallocation? Finally is there information on what the long-term goals are related to asylum-seekers in the community? Is this an ongoing expense? Were these individuals in originally in Chicago where State aitance money has been allocated? I'm just trying to better understand the situation. thank you for your prompt responses.
HarveyAve asked over 1 year agoThanks for your follow-up questions. The Village Board in late 2022 approved Park District of Oak Park’s request for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support an early re-construction date at Andersen Park. Click here to view the Park District’s original application and click here to view a recording of the Park District’s presentation at the Nov. 29, 2022 Village Board meeting. Questions regarding the Park District’s plans for Andersen Park are best directed to the Park District.
Complete details about the Village’s emergency response related to asylum-seeking migrants is available at You can review the details specific to the Village Board’s decision to reallocate ARPA funds by reviewing the agenda item from the Nov. 20, 2023 Village Board meeting, which includes future cost projections. You can view the Village Board’s discussion on the topic during the meeting by clicking here.
Share Hello, I am looking for clarification in regard to the $500,000 dollars directed to asylum seekers staying in Oak Park. The village sent out in communications that it was unused covid assistance funds but I have also heard that the funds while originally covid relief funds were earmarked towards updating Anderson Park. Is that the case, or just village rumors. on Facebook Share Hello, I am looking for clarification in regard to the $500,000 dollars directed to asylum seekers staying in Oak Park. The village sent out in communications that it was unused covid assistance funds but I have also heard that the funds while originally covid relief funds were earmarked towards updating Anderson Park. Is that the case, or just village rumors. on Twitter Share Hello, I am looking for clarification in regard to the $500,000 dollars directed to asylum seekers staying in Oak Park. The village sent out in communications that it was unused covid assistance funds but I have also heard that the funds while originally covid relief funds were earmarked towards updating Anderson Park. Is that the case, or just village rumors. on Linkedin Email Hello, I am looking for clarification in regard to the $500,000 dollars directed to asylum seekers staying in Oak Park. The village sent out in communications that it was unused covid assistance funds but I have also heard that the funds while originally covid relief funds were earmarked towards updating Anderson Park. Is that the case, or just village rumors. link
Hello, I am looking for clarification in regard to the $500,000 dollars directed to asylum seekers staying in Oak Park. The village sent out in communications that it was unused covid assistance funds but I have also heard that the funds while originally covid relief funds were earmarked towards updating Anderson Park. Is that the case, or just village rumors.
HarveyAve asked over 1 year agoThanks for contacting us. The Village Board voted at its Nov. 20 meeting to reallocate $500,000 in unspent American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) funding as lost revenue in the general fund to provide aid to asylum seekers through Feb. 6, 2024. A portion of that $500,000 in ARPA funding had previously been allocated for the early re-construction of Andersen Park. Village staff will continue to pursue all possible alternate funding sources to offset or reimburse the Village for expenses related to asylum-seeking migrants including state and federal grant money, gifts and donations.
Share Is there anything being done to address the growing number of panhandlers at intersections and in downtown areas? on Facebook Share Is there anything being done to address the growing number of panhandlers at intersections and in downtown areas? on Twitter Share Is there anything being done to address the growing number of panhandlers at intersections and in downtown areas? on Linkedin Email Is there anything being done to address the growing number of panhandlers at intersections and in downtown areas? link
Is there anything being done to address the growing number of panhandlers at intersections and in downtown areas?
HarveyAve asked over 1 year agoThe Village of Oak Park is aware of the influx of unhoused individuals within the community. The following information is meant to provide a current update on the situation and provide resources and additionally useful information.
Upcoming Community Forums
November 30, 2023 6:30-8:30 p.m. | Oak Park Public Library, Veteran’s Room
This forum will focus on community education and ways to best interact with, and provide support to, Oak Park’s unhoused population. A group of panelists will discuss challenges and potential solutions, speak on advocacy and policy and partake in a question-and-answer session.
December 18, 2023 6:30-8:30 p.m. | Oak Park Public Library, Veteran’s Room
The forum will center around affordable housing and the role of private landlords. Subject-matter experts will aim to help attendees better understand the unhoused crisis, while looking at the roles of landlords and agencies in identifying solutions. The group will highlight success stories and review support services that are available to tenants.
Bill of Rights for the Homeless Act
The State of Illinois enacted the Bill of Rights for the Homeless Act in 2013. The Act provides that the homeless have “the right to use and move freely in public spaces, including but not limited to public sidewalks, public parks, public transportation, and public buildings, in the same manner as any other person and without discrimination on the basis of his her or housing status.” 775 ILCS 45/10(a)(1). “Housing status” under the Act “means the status of having or not having a fixed or regular residence, including the status of living on the streets, in a shelter, or in a temporary residence.” 775 ILS 45/10(b).
Oak Park Police Department
Over the past few months, the Oak Park Police Department has prioritized community engagement and proactive measures to address the needs of the unhoused individuals living within the Village. The Police Department, too, has aligned with Housing Forward and this partnership has already resulted in the successful placement of several unhoused individuals into stable housing. Patrol officers across all three shifts conduct hourly checks at primary congregate areas to prevent loitering, aggressive panhandling, and criminal activities near public transportation stations. Their presence has significantly deterred such activities and created a safer environment for everyone. Furthermore, these officers have made several arrests for possession of controlled substances, warrants, etc., which has undoubtedly contributed to a reduction in potential illegal activities.
It is important to distinguish the unhoused, or homeless, population from the panhandling population. Panhandling is the act of soliciting money, often in public places. Not all panhandlers are unhoused. In fact, many have access to housing and other resources and use panhandling as a source of income. A person is considered unhoused if they lack a fixed and regular nighttime residence or if their main nighttime residence is a supervised shelter that provides temporary accommodations, a halfway house, or a similar facility that provides a temporary residence for persons intended to be institutionalized, a place not normally recognized as a place to sleep (i.e. hallway, train station, library, car, etc.) or a temporary stay in the residence of another person.
Below are a few of the resources which are offered and available to individuals in the Oak Park community. Included with this letter are resource cards that can be distributed through your business employees, posted in the workplace, and/or given out to individuals in need of support. Resources include crisis, utilities, food, legal aid, shelter, children and family support, employment, and mental health and substance use supports. For more information on how to use this information, technical assistance, or to access more resource cards please contact the Village at the number below.
Village of Oak Park: unhoused
Housing Forward:
Oak Park Homelessness Coalition:
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Complex or legal questions may be better directed to the project manager for a given project so they can provide the most satisfactory response. In some cases we may not be able to provide an answer specifically as it is requested but we will get back to you either way. In our response, staff may refer you to existing resources or a project manager. See project pages for contact information if you think this is a more appropriate route. See our Code of Conduct for clarification on use of this site and its various features.
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