How will plantings be defined in the ordinance?

    Plantings are defined as: all vegetation other than trees and shrubs that are not “designated exotic weeds” as defined in the Illinois Exotic Weed Act, or that are not “designated noxious weeds” as defined in the Illinois Noxious Weed Law. The Forester shall maintain a list of native and pollinator plants that are recommended for planting in Village parkways.

    Will permits be required to plant in the parkway?

    Plantings may be installed in the parkway without a permit. In order to place a container, fence, or structure on the parkway, the following are required: a permit, right of way encroachment agreement, and insurance naming the Village as additional insured in the amount of $500,000.

    Who will maintain the parkway plantings?

    The owner or occupant of the property adjacent to the parkway must maintain the plantings.

    How tall can the plantings grow?

    The maximum height for plantings within the clear sight areas at intersections is 30 inches. The maximum height for plantings outside of the clear sight area is 36 inches.

    What will happen when the parkway is disturbed for utility work or other work by the Village?

    The Village will endeavor to notify the adjacent property owners two weeks prior to any planned work that may cause disturbances to plantings, except in cases of emergency. The Village will not be responsible for any disturbance to plantings, containers, fences, or structures caused by work on the parkway.