Vision Zero
Consultation has concluded

February 2025 update: Vision Zero Action Plan Adopted
The Oak Park Vision Zero Action Plan has been formally adopted by the Village Board of Trustees. The adoption of the plan comes after more than a year of data and crash analysis, interagency coordination and extensive community engagement, including a project steering committee, focus groups, public open-houses pop-up events, and online outreach and engagement.
The Village is committed to the goal of consistently having zero deaths or serious injuries on its streets by 2035. The Vision Zero Plan details the approach for how the community will get there together and is guided by data and informed by the lived experiences of people throughout Oak Park. The plan includes 10 strategies and their subsequent recommended actions based on the Safe System approach, community testimony and input, a Vision Zero Toolbox and the development of four infrastructure concepts.
Click here to view the Vision Zero Action Plan
The Vision Zero team is excited about the recommendations outlined in the Plan, and has already gotten to work on energizing its implementation. Oak Park’s Vision Zero Action Plan is a living document and all updates will be posted on the Village website at
The Vision Zero team greatly thanks all those who contributed in the development of the Plan, volunteered their time and helped spread the word to the community.
February 2025 update: Vision Zero Action Plan Adopted
The Oak Park Vision Zero Action Plan has been formally adopted by the Village Board of Trustees. The adoption of the plan comes after more than a year of data and crash analysis, interagency coordination and extensive community engagement, including a project steering committee, focus groups, public open-houses pop-up events, and online outreach and engagement.
The Village is committed to the goal of consistently having zero deaths or serious injuries on its streets by 2035. The Vision Zero Plan details the approach for how the community will get there together and is guided by data and informed by the lived experiences of people throughout Oak Park. The plan includes 10 strategies and their subsequent recommended actions based on the Safe System approach, community testimony and input, a Vision Zero Toolbox and the development of four infrastructure concepts.
Click here to view the Vision Zero Action Plan
The Vision Zero team is excited about the recommendations outlined in the Plan, and has already gotten to work on energizing its implementation. Oak Park’s Vision Zero Action Plan is a living document and all updates will be posted on the Village website at
The Vision Zero team greatly thanks all those who contributed in the development of the Plan, volunteered their time and helped spread the word to the community.
Members of the Vision Zero Project Team are available to answer your questions.
Share Does Oak Park have an issue with bicycle deaths and serious injuries? What are the statistics of bicycle deaths and serious injuries in Oak Park? Do we enforce the bicycle rules that already exist in our community? How are they enforced? on Facebook Share Does Oak Park have an issue with bicycle deaths and serious injuries? What are the statistics of bicycle deaths and serious injuries in Oak Park? Do we enforce the bicycle rules that already exist in our community? How are they enforced? on Twitter Share Does Oak Park have an issue with bicycle deaths and serious injuries? What are the statistics of bicycle deaths and serious injuries in Oak Park? Do we enforce the bicycle rules that already exist in our community? How are they enforced? on Linkedin Email Does Oak Park have an issue with bicycle deaths and serious injuries? What are the statistics of bicycle deaths and serious injuries in Oak Park? Do we enforce the bicycle rules that already exist in our community? How are they enforced? link
Does Oak Park have an issue with bicycle deaths and serious injuries? What are the statistics of bicycle deaths and serious injuries in Oak Park? Do we enforce the bicycle rules that already exist in our community? How are they enforced?
Lisa Gill asked 3 months agoThank you for your question. In the development of the draft Vision Zero plan, the team analyzed Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) crash data between 2018 and 2022. The executive summary of the crash memo* provides an overview of the number of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicyclist deaths and serious injuries in Oak Park over that 5 year period.
The rate of fatalities and serious injuries over the 5 year period was 6.2 for pedestrians and 2.8 for cyclists. Figure 2 on page 6 of the Crash memo provides a graph of people killed or seriously injured between 2018-2022 by mode (walking, biking, motor vehicle).
*If crash memo link doesn't work, you can find it in the documents section above on this page.
Share When will Chicago Ave between Oak Park and Ridgeland be addressed? It’s too long of a stretch of road where there is only one crossing section for students and residents? on Facebook Share When will Chicago Ave between Oak Park and Ridgeland be addressed? It’s too long of a stretch of road where there is only one crossing section for students and residents? on Twitter Share When will Chicago Ave between Oak Park and Ridgeland be addressed? It’s too long of a stretch of road where there is only one crossing section for students and residents? on Linkedin Email When will Chicago Ave between Oak Park and Ridgeland be addressed? It’s too long of a stretch of road where there is only one crossing section for students and residents? link
When will Chicago Ave between Oak Park and Ridgeland be addressed? It’s too long of a stretch of road where there is only one crossing section for students and residents?
Erin Rose Sahm asked 5 months agoThank you for your question. The section of Chicago Avenue mentioned, between Oak Park Avenue and Ridgeland Avenue, has been identified as a segment on the High Injury Network (HIN) per crash analysis performed by the Vision Zero team. As such, the Vision Zero team is currently working on developing a concept design for various bike and pedestrian safety improvements along the this segment of Chicago. The team is also working on three other segments/intersections identified on the HIN. If the concepts are approved as part of the Vision Zero Action Plan by the Village Board, the Village will begin to engage with the community on the design and continue the process of implementing safety improvements along the segment.At this time, the Vision Zero Action Plan is still in draft form, pending final approval from the Village Board of Trustees anticipated in 2025. The draft plan will be reviewed by the Transportation Commission at its November 11 meeting.
Share How will vision zero increase safety and traffic compliance around schools. At Mann school/Field Park - it is a 50/50 as to whether a car will stop at the sign to let pedestrians cross on Facebook Share How will vision zero increase safety and traffic compliance around schools. At Mann school/Field Park - it is a 50/50 as to whether a car will stop at the sign to let pedestrians cross on Twitter Share How will vision zero increase safety and traffic compliance around schools. At Mann school/Field Park - it is a 50/50 as to whether a car will stop at the sign to let pedestrians cross on Linkedin Email How will vision zero increase safety and traffic compliance around schools. At Mann school/Field Park - it is a 50/50 as to whether a car will stop at the sign to let pedestrians cross link
How will vision zero increase safety and traffic compliance around schools. At Mann school/Field Park - it is a 50/50 as to whether a car will stop at the sign to let pedestrians cross
Jonathan asked 7 months agoThanks for contacting us with your question. Traffic safety around parks and schools has been highlighted during community engagement efforts as key areas for safety improvements. The Village recently recevied good news that it has been awarded a grant through Safe Streets for All Planning and Demonstration. This grant will be used to implement some of the recommendations from the Vision Zero plan. This grant will fund quick-build safety tools at up to 10 locations near park and schools, on top of various other planning and demonstration efforts.
Share I would like to see how feedback from the community has been assembled and how it is affecting the vision zero plans. on Facebook Share I would like to see how feedback from the community has been assembled and how it is affecting the vision zero plans. on Twitter Share I would like to see how feedback from the community has been assembled and how it is affecting the vision zero plans. on Linkedin Email I would like to see how feedback from the community has been assembled and how it is affecting the vision zero plans. link
I would like to see how feedback from the community has been assembled and how it is affecting the vision zero plans.
antialias asked 6 months agoThanks for reaching out. The Village’s Vision Zero team is in the process of refining its recommendations for the final Vision Zero plan, which is expected to be completed this fall, and brought to the Village board for approval this winter. Click here for a project update from May that captures some of the feedback from the community and how it is helping to form the development of the Vision Zero plan. For more information about the project, feel free to email
An example of how community feedback is shaping the plan is related to the traffic calming toolbox. At the last Vision Zero open house in July, a variety of potential traffic calming tools were presented for residents to vote on if they would like to see a given traffic calming tool in the community or not. Through these votes, and conversation with residents and the Vision Zero team, this feedback helped refine the proposed tool box for the Vision Zero draft plan.
Share Hello, I've seen vehicles parked on the sidewalks, next to a house's garage. According to OP police, this is acceptable because it is on the home's driveway. Even though the vehicles may force some people into the street. Does OP allow parking on the sidewalk? on Facebook Share Hello, I've seen vehicles parked on the sidewalks, next to a house's garage. According to OP police, this is acceptable because it is on the home's driveway. Even though the vehicles may force some people into the street. Does OP allow parking on the sidewalk? on Twitter Share Hello, I've seen vehicles parked on the sidewalks, next to a house's garage. According to OP police, this is acceptable because it is on the home's driveway. Even though the vehicles may force some people into the street. Does OP allow parking on the sidewalk? on Linkedin Email Hello, I've seen vehicles parked on the sidewalks, next to a house's garage. According to OP police, this is acceptable because it is on the home's driveway. Even though the vehicles may force some people into the street. Does OP allow parking on the sidewalk? link
Hello, I've seen vehicles parked on the sidewalks, next to a house's garage. According to OP police, this is acceptable because it is on the home's driveway. Even though the vehicles may force some people into the street. Does OP allow parking on the sidewalk?
one asked about 1 year agoBlocking a driveway or parking on or across a sidewalk is not allowed in Oak Park per Village Code 15-1-19: Miscellaneous Parking Offenses.
Share How do we know if any of these suggestions are made? on Facebook Share How do we know if any of these suggestions are made? on Twitter Share How do we know if any of these suggestions are made? on Linkedin Email How do we know if any of these suggestions are made? link
How do we know if any of these suggestions are made?
Dimitra asked 10 months agoThanks for reaching out. The Vision Zero project is midway through the planning process, and the project team is hard at work drafting recommendations for how to improve traffic safety in Oak Park. Findings from crash data, policy review, community engagement and discussions with key stakeholders are all supporting the development of the plan. Learn more about the project’s findings under the “Documents” section on this page ( The planning process will continue into this fall. So far, the project team has gathered and analyzed more than 900 pieces of community feedback through survey responses and open house activities. Residents will have more opportunities to provide feedback on the draft plan before it is finalized. Visit the Public Works Department’s booth at A Day in Our Village on Sun., June 2, to learn more about Vision Zero’s progress and details about the next public open house. You can also email for more information about the Vision Zero project.
Share Will speed bumps have some indications painted on them. Could help!!! on Facebook Share Will speed bumps have some indications painted on them. Could help!!! on Twitter Share Will speed bumps have some indications painted on them. Could help!!! on Linkedin Email Will speed bumps have some indications painted on them. Could help!!! link
Will speed bumps have some indications painted on them. Could help!!!
mlhonore asked over 1 year agoThank you for contacting us with your question. Pavement markings will be applied to all of the speed humps that were installed this fall as part of the Village’s annual street resurfacing project. Signs indicating a speed hump will also be installed in the near future.
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